What's the colour of the traffic light of your life?


How to find your inner calm
When you're going through a stressful time? 
And how can traffic lights
Help you navigate through life? 

When your head resembles
A computer with too many open tabs
And everything just freezes,
How do you press "Control Alt Delete"
In order to clean the slate again?

Together with an 8 and 10 year old
At the breakfast table this morning
We came up with helpful ideas for you.
(The daughters of one of my best friends
Are currently staying with us for a week).

I remembered the following traffic light metaphor.


Managing Emotions - The Traffic Light Approach​​


Think of your stress levels as a traffic light.
Green: smooth sailing, comfort zone,
All is well, enjoy the ride.
Orange / Amber: the stretch zone of great learning,​
But pay attention to any warning signs.
Red: careful, this is the danger and panic zone.
Press those brakes, stop now, avoid a crash.

In green we are at ease,
In orange we grow and learn,
Red is possible for a little while,
But if the signs are red for too long
Our body, mind, heart and soul suffer.

Which colour is your traffic light At the moment?

Man looking emotional in a busy London street.
Red traffic light system indicating to stop.
Traffic light in park with green walking man

“The average person spends two weeks over their lifetime waiting for the traffic light to change.”

Tom Waits


Learn to recognise 
Your own warning signs.
Ideally, whenever you're in orange,
Press those brakes and take a break.
There's no need to live life 
Surrounded by flashing red lights.​

Life is precious,
Use it well.


Karin Peeters


Let Vitalis Coaching & Therapy guide you to feel a little lighter as you travel through life.