Your soul shines through your struggle at all times.
Transpersonal Psychology, Psychotherapy & Counselling, in London and worldwide (online).



What is the meaning of Transpersonal Psychotherapy?

In Transpersonal Therapy, Psychology and Life Coaching the underlying belief is that not just the mind and body benefit from healing and tender-loving-care, but also your spirit or soul itself (or however else you prefer to label the part of yourself that connects you to something bigger in life).

Transpersonal Therapy does not focus on what is ‘wrong’ with you, but instead personal problems and difficult times are seen to have a beneficial purpose in that they indicate the way for you to change, grow and unfold.

You are seen as bigger than any of the challenges you currently face.

Transpersonal Therapy is based on the idea that through crisis you have the opportunity to grow and develop your full potential as a human and spiritual being. And it’s called Transpersonal because you go beyond what is known (what is already apparent to you), into what has not yet been brought to light.

Transpersonal Psychotherapy combines tools and techniques from modern Western psychology with spiritual concepts and philosophy in order for you to feel more fulfilled, at peace and joyous.

lay the foundations for a thriving life with Vitalis Transpersonal Coaching & therapy in London or via video call.


The transpersonal and your spiritual journey.

A Transpersonal Therapist, Counsellor or Psychologist helps you connect more deeply with your spiritual side, and to overcome the obstacles that keep you away from your centre and to experience this deep, essential core of yourself. As a Transpersonal Therapist we believe that each challenge you face is a message from your inner world, asking you to pay attention, as it’s an opportunity for the emergence of new and undiscovered qualities in yourself. In this way your ‘problems’ often have a purpose; meaning you are growing and unfolding as a human being. Your awareness is expanding and you are healing in order to become whole.

We use the wisdom that is lying dormant in your unconscious, as at Vitalis Coaching & Therapy we believe that all answers can be found within. We guide you how to navigate your inner landscape and how to let go of the parts of you that are no longer serving you so you can move forwards in life with ease.

Psychotherapy literally means to 'nurse the soul'; deriving its name from the ancient Greeks and their understanding of human nature and the psyche.

Turn inwards and discover which steps you can take to reduce doubt and overwhelm so you can live a more balanced and fulfilling life:


What you can expect from your Transpersonal Psychotherapy Session

How does Transpersonal Therapy work, and is it for you?

A Transpersonal Therapist uses, depending on your wishes as the client, a variety of techniques including guided visualisation, meditation, dream interpretation, breathwork, mindfulness and creative arts to help you explore your spiritual self.

Transpersonal Psychology is a humanistic integrative approach to therapy, which is a mouth-full, but basically means it encompasses several forms of therapy like psycho-dynamic, Jungian, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and Transactional Analysis. It focuses on your personal growth while addressing your whole being; the health, wellbeing – and healing – of your body, mind and spirit.

A Transpersonal Therapist guides you towards dealing with the purpose of your challenges, combined with working with the cause and its solution. You work towards wholeness which includes conscious, unconscious and spiritual aspects of your being. It offers an opportunity to re-examine yourself with a view to change, recognise your inner qualities and discover who you truly are.

The aim of Transpersonal Therapy is a sense of accomplishment in life, increased self-awareness, universal love and compassion and a feeling of purpose and meaning.


Curious how the Transpersonal seeks to provide harmony between your mind, body and spirit, which is vital for life to be fulfilling and joyful? Contact us today:



Our Founder and Transpersonal Therapist, Karin Peeters, studied Counselling & Psychotherapy at CCPE in London.

Transpersonal Coaching and Psychotherapy in London.

Transpersonal Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy course

Centre for Counselling and Psychotherapy Education (CCPE) in London

Karin Peeters, our founder, completed a five year Diploma (PG Dip in Integrative Counselling & Psychotherapy) and qualified as a Counsellor & Psychotherapist at CCPE. CCPE is a training and accrediting organisational member of the Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy College with the UKCP (United Kingdom Council of Psychotherapy). The diploma is also recognised by the BACP (British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy).

Located on the beautiful banks of the Grand Union Canal in the heart of London, and connected with The University of Northampton, lies CCPE in a stunning grade II listed building. CCPE was established in 1984 and has grown into the largest training centre for Transpersonal Psychotherapy in the UK. A place of study, friendship, spirituality and transformation.

Photo credit: CCPE, with gratitude.


Centre for Counselling and Psychotherapy Education: Transpersonal Therapy

Address: Beauchamp Lodge, 2 Warwick Crescent, Little Venice, London W2 6NE, United Kingdom


What’s Next?

Transpersonal Psychology in London, UK and remotely via video call
