5 4 3 2 1 Grounding Technique for Anxiety, Racing Thoughts and Stress

Small scared kitten looking around the corner of a stone wall

An underlying sense of unease,
Obsessive thoughts you can’t get still:
It costs so much energy.

The anxious thoughts might be true,
Or seem to have no base in reality.
It's irrelevant.
As the tension and discomfort are real.

Instead of spiralling deeper and deeper
Into unhelpful ways of thinking,
54321 Grounding Techniques plant you firmly
In the present moment, bringing calm and rest.

This 5 4 3 2 1 grounding exercise for anxiety
Can be very helpful
During periods of stress, anxiety or panic
By helping you to return
To the here-and-now reality.

Grounding techniques turn your attention away
From thoughts, memories, or worries,
And refocuses you in the present moment.

In this article,
You will learn a powerful coping technique
For managing the symptoms of anxiety and stress.

It is called the
Grounding 54321 Exercise for Anxiety
And it’s an excellent technique,
Based on your 5 senses,
When your mind is agitated
And you are longing for inner calm.

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5 4 3 2 1 Grouding Exercise for coping with anxiety

5 senses grounding technique

What are the five senses of the body, and how to use them to lower anxiety?


You have five basic senses: touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste, based on the sensory organs of your skin, eyes, ears, nose and mouth. Each of these correspond to a respective visual system (sense of vision), auditory system (sense of hearing), somatosensory system (sense of touch), olfactory system (sense of smell), and gustatory system (sense of taste).

During sensation, your sense organs collect various stimuli (such as a tastes or sights) for transformation into a form that can be understood by your brain.


Sensation and perception are fundamental to nearly every aspect of your thoughts and behaviour. Meaning that the way you sense things, and how your brain perceives and interprets this data, determines your response to the sense object.

When a situation or object is interpreted as unsafe, we respond with anxiety and stress. When an object is perceived as safe, our nervous system relaxes. And this is where this Mindfulness Exercise for Anxiety comes in! Keep reading, and you’ll find out how to apply it straight away to feel more grounded and calm.

Monogram Vitalis Life Coaching for Anxiety

“Touch the ground of the present moment deeply, and you will touch real peace and joy.”

Thich Nhat Hanh

Man holding his folded hands near his face in gesture of worry
Alert squirl looking fearfully around a tree
Woman sitting in cafe with a coffee looking down and concerned

“I am grounded and safe.”

meditation mantra


Five senses method to lower your anxiety

How to practice the 54321 Mindfulness of the Five Senses Coping Technique for Grounding and Inner Calm

Look around the space where you currently are. By using your five senses, this mindful Coaching & Therapy technique will take you out of your head, into the here and now. It’s like pressing a reset button. Your physical body connects you with the world around you, and your five senses are like tethers, anchoring you to the moment. Using the 5 4 3 2 1 Grounding Technique, you will purposefully take in the details of your surroundings using each of your five senses, in order for you to lower anxiety, clear your mind and feel more balanced and at ease.

Five things you can see

SEE: Acknowledge five things that you can see around you.

For example the bold red letters on the advertisement sign opposite you, the blue velvet of the sofa, when looking down you can see your own hands and feet, the view of the trees and sky through the window, plus the bag you are holding containing your shopping. Look for small details that you might usually miss, like the way shadows dance over the surface of the wall or a pattern on the skirt of the lady who sits next to you.

Four things you can feel

FEEL: Acknowledge four things that you can touch around you.

For example your feet wobbling against the socks inside your shoes, the fabric of the denim jeans you are wearing, the cold faux-leather of the seat you’re sitting on and the smooth touch of your mobile phone. You can list these items of touch in your head, but it really helps to actually touch these objects with your hands and to feel their texture, temperature, moisture etc. Notice the sensation of the wind on your skin or the roughness and smoothness of the clothes you are wearing. Pick up your wallet and become aware of its weight, texture, colours and other physical characteristics.

Three things you can hear

HEAR: Acknowledge three things you can hear around you.

For example the sound of traffic, someone typing on their laptop or talking into their mobile phone, and the rain or birds outside. You might also be able to hear subtle sounds that your mind usually tunes out, such as the ticking of the pipes in the house, distant children playing outside, the wind in the trees or the sound of your own breathing.

Two things you can smell

SMELL: Acknowledge two things that you can smell around you.

For example the smell of your laundry detergent on the jumper you are wearing, or the your shampoo in your hair. Pay special attention to smells in the air around you, like wet autumn leaves, an air-freshener, cigarette smoke or a sweaty gym. Look around you for objects with a scent, is anyone carrying flowers or can you spot a fancy candle with bergamot scent? If possible, move towards the object and breathe in the smells to really ground you in the present moment.

One thing you can taste

TASTE: Acknowledge one thing around you that you can taste.

For example the flavour of your tooth paste that lingers in your mouth, or the coffee you drank not so long ago. There might even be some left over lunch between your teeth that you can savour now :) If you suffer from anxiety on a more regular basis, it can really help to carry chewing gum, candy, or savoury snacks with you at all times. When you put it in your mouth, really focus your attention on what you can taste.

Young woman looking dreamy, calm, grounded and relaxed.

5 4 3 2 1 Mindfulness Exercise

A simple grounding exercise to reduce anxiety, panic and stress

May this Five Senses Grounding Technique
Take you out of your head,
Silence the negative thoughts,
And bring you back into your body.

This Coaching & Therapy method can really help
To manage anxiety and stress.
And once you’re back in the here-and-now
Take a deep breath in and out.
From this grounded place,
You’ll have more clarity of mind
To decide on your best next steps.

Grounding yourself in the present moment
Doesn’t magically
Make all your problems disappear.
But with a balanced, clear mind,
You can better explore those challenges in life
That you may wish to address,
Not with anxiety,
But with a calm, centred awareness.

You might like to understand
Where your anxiety comes from,
Or to learn how to live a more balanced life
So the stress levels won’t reach so high.

This 54321 Mindfulness of the Senses Exercise
Is a coping method,
It does not heal the root of your challenges.
If you’d like us to help you
Not just to manage,
But to reduce
And possibly fully overcome your stress and anxiety
We’d love to hear from you.


Your life is precious
Use it well.

May you enjoy peace and inner calm.


Warmly, Karin Peeters

Coach & Psychotherapist
Founder of Vitalis Coaching & Therapy


What’s next?

Let Vitalis Coaching & Therapy guide you to feel a little lighter as you travel through life.

Coaching and Therapy against anxiety